That's What She Said!…Online


My grades are completed. I’ll deliver them to the registrar’s office this morning. Hooray! Now I can put away my school bookbag until after the holidays. The next semester begins January 23, and although I’m enjoying the freedom of more time to myself, in a month I’ll be eager to return to campus to meet the new groups of students I’ll be teaching. Some I will have taught before, and I will enjoy meeting with them weekly to hear all about their student teaching experiences. Others I will meet for the first time, some in a course I’ve taught for six years, others in a course that will be new for me. I think I’m addicted to teaching. Or maybe it’s just that I very much enjoy being around young adults. They energize me! The ones I teach are planning to become teachers. What profession could be more important? There is NONE, and by the end of the semester I’ll have convinced my students of that – or they may, perhaps, decide they should look for something else to pursue. It’s one time around, so one should spend as much time doing what one enjoys. Teaching is hard work. It’s a never-ending learning experience! It’s NEVER boring! Just sitting here writing this makes my anticipation of meeting new students in one month and two days even greater! Happy Holidays to all!

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