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A Lovely June Morning…No Major Event…But What Could be Better Than This?

Chooch is lying at my feet with an inflated dougnut around his neck. (I’ts replaced by a damnable plasitc cone at night!) Monday was his “surgery day.” He was neutered – a requirement for adoption from the Animal Rescue League and most other shelters. A good idea. We’re not sure why this didn’t happen to Chooch when he was puppy, but it’s done now. He seems to be comfortable and doesn’t hate us! Just wants cuddling…and food! Bessie was quite upset when Chooch disappeared for two days! She really pouted and didn’t want to have anything to do with us. Now that Chooch is home, Bessie’s a happy Lab again.
OK! I know I promised something beyond a discussion of our Labs this week. It’s been a lovely, almost unstructured week. As Ellen blogged, Saturday’s secret-discovering-trip was interesting. Stay tuned to our next show on 18 July at 9 PM for a film sampling of our day.
There are some days that I seem to accomplish very little. I’m a “morning person,” so if I’m going to accomplish any houswework or pursue my writing, it has to happen by noon. Yet some mornings when I wake with great resolve to do a number of chores, noon arrives, and I’ve little to show but my unfulfilled resolve. But this morning I started at 8 when Barry left for a conference in Philadelphia. It’s now barely 1 PM. and I think I’ve accomplished more this morning than I have in weeks. Cleaning, ironing, gardening, a long phone conversation with my daughter in Californina, some deep sorting and bagging of old clothes that have been accumulating in the basement – I’ve meant to get at those for….years, I think. Wow! What happened?
Actually, in addition to this lovely cool, breezy, sunny morning, I didn’t begin by checking my email and catching up with my correspondence. Usually, after the breakfast dishes are put away, I go right to the computer. It often traps me for hours. But not this morning. Didn’t even look at email until everything else was done. It really made a difference, I think. My psyche is not “housework focused”….ever! It is easily persuaded to put off chores until another day, especially when I get caught up with email and the Internet. I am planning to revise my schedule for computer time!
It really wasn’t a day to inspire a deeply thoughtful blog, but I feel very good about everything I have accomplished. Who knows what the afternoon will bring?!
We are very exctied about the forthcoming arrival of Monah Gallagher. Can hardly wait to meet her and have her meet Bessie and Chooch. Dogs! Love almost every one, but I love the big ones best!

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