That's What She Said!…Online

Hot Weather and Doing Nothing

Well I’m 0/3 with writing my blog post on Fridays.  A sterling record!

It’s been hard to do much in my free time these past few weeks: I was on a streak of reading a lot of new books and that was great and made me feel like I was being a good little bookshop owner, keeping up with the times.

Then, inevitably, I hit the Book Overload — that point at which I can’t take in any more new information (for the time being) and need to do something else until the feeling passes.  Usually I read a palate cleanser: a book I know and love and preferably have already read a dozen times.  Books like this require little concentration on my part — I’m re-reading for the experience, rather than the content.  So that’s what I’ve been doing the last week or so, re-reading some old standards.  Right now it’s ENDYMION by Dan Simmons, the third book in a sci-fic tetralogy that is one of my absolute favorites.  But the times when I actually feel like reading it are few and far between.

It’s so hard for me to function when it’s hot out.  It’s probably lucky, for the most part, that I spend the bulk of my days at the store, where working is not an option but a requirement and the air conditioner is quite effective.  (Side Note: did you know that, colloquially, the British use “quite” to mean “average” or “a little” whereas we use it for emphasis, or to show extra emotion?  Makes me worry about having accidentally used the word in passing to a Brit and not realizing my statement wasn’t accurate in their mind to my meaning!) But when I’m not at the store, I tend to laze about.  Whatever takes the least effort is usually the thing voted for: Netflix or a movie.  I’m getting a lot of titles checked of my “To Watch” list, which is nice, but it does make me feel rather unaccomplished.

But I will have something to do tonight!  It will be my first time actually participating in That’s What She Said on bctv, and I’m looking forward to the experience!

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