Category: Ellen’s Posts

Election day thoughts

Voting…it’s our privilege and responsibility. I’m about to go out and perform this civic duty in a few minutes, something I’ve done “religiously” for 49 years. In what is an off-year election (no national or state executives or legislators on the ballot) there are nevertheless important choices to be made throughout Berks County, particularly in the city of Reading. Weather cannot be blamed for a poor turnout on a November day when the temps will get into the 60s and with no rain, sleet, hail–or snow–in the forecast. I encourage, no, entreat, all to do so. The only place an opinion COUNTS is on a ballot. And the only way a democracy can work is if the officials feel they are held accountable by their electorate.
My voting record has had reliability, although my choices have sometimes been untypical. I’ve voted for 8 of the 9 governors of Pennsylvania in the last 49 years, but only 4 of the 12 leaders of our nation. I voted for the Independent candidate John B. Anderson for president in 1980 and still wish that sensible, intelligent man were a voice in Washington. I, and 13 others, wrote in Al Boscov in ’84, believing our native son could have cut through much political, bureaucratic folderol and produced much-needed results for the nation. This time the workers at my polling place may not be delighted to see me coming. Last year I managed to gum up both voting machines in my attempt to write in the name of Arlen Specter, a man of independence whom I felt had served his constituents well, although neither party wanted him as their candidate. There was a frustrated line of voters waiting as they struggled to get the write-in boxes to work. The judge of elections suggested that I just choose one of the candidates on the ballot. Sorry, this was my day to have my say. Make today your day, too.