Category: Sheila’s Posts

My mom, the decorator :)

Good morning everyone! I’m very happy today. My parents came to visit me last night and my mother is staying for a few days. Yay! I’m a little worried, though. My mom wants to rearrange my entire apartment. All of it. Who does that?! She does it all the time! Do any other moms of grownups rearrange for their children, or is my mom just nuts? I’m not necessarily complaining. My place could definitely use a little help, but keep in mind that SHE was the one who arranged it last time. And the time before that! Everytime she comes over, she changes everything. Gotta love my crazy momma!! I’ll take some before and after pictures to post next week. Let’s see what’s up her sleeve this time! Ha! It’s time for me to sign off. I need to feed my baby and make some breakfast. I hope everyone has a fantastic week!

Better late than never!

Hey everyone! My hands are barely working today, so I’m keeping this one short. There are a lot of wonderful productions going on this weekend. Side Man opens tonight at Building 24, Man of La Mancha also opens tonight at Genesius theatre and Next to Normal is running at EPAC. So many amazing productions! I wish I could see them all! I’m wishing lots of broken legs to my many friends in all three shows. Please support local theatre! You won’t be sorry! 🙂

Happy day!

Have you heard the news? Our show has been approved! They like us! Yay BCTV! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to get back on the air with the rest of the ladies! 🙂

I’m in the process of rearranging my entire apartment. So very frustrating, but it will all be worth it when I finally have room for my piano. I’m so looking forward to making my neighbors crazy (as if I don’t already)!

In the past three days, I’ve run into many friends that I haven’t seen in a long time. It makes me happy to reconnect with old friends. I didn’t realize how much they’ve all been missed until I saw them!

Time to get back to my rearranging and then I’m off to bed. I have to be in Kutztown fairly early and morning always arrives way too early. G’nite everyone! See you next Thursday!

Busy me!

Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday! I’m going to have to keep this one somewhat brief because I have a crazy busy day ahead of me. It’s opening night for The Diary of Anne Frank. If you are looking for something interesting to do this weekend, consider taking a trip out to the Reading Public Museum to see this. It’s readers theatre, but it’s somewhat staged, so it’s a different twist on things. Plus, you’ll get to see me make an extremely rare appearance onstage in the role of Miep. Strange but true! 🙂

Anyway, I’m off to get myself ready for guard rehearsal before the show. We have some painting to do and we have to finish working with the kids to complete our show before we compete on Saturday. Sigh… too much stuff going on this week! Serenity now! Wish me luck with my guard competition AND with Anne Frank! I’m nervous for both!!

Have a great weekend all!! See you next Thursday! 🙂

SHOO to the rescue!

Happy Thursday everyone! Can you believe it’s been almost two weeks since we aired our first show? Time flies! If you missed it, fret not. BCTV is replaying it this Saturday, February 11th at 4pm. You can also go to and search the archives or look for us on YouTube. We’re EVERYWHERE! Ha! If you enjoyed watching us as much as we enjoyed being on air, please make sure to email the powers that be at BCTV and let them know how much you loved us. The more positive feedback we get, the better our chances are of being featured regularly. We had such a blast doing it, so it would be a shame if we didn’t get to do it again. We have so much more to discuss! So please write!! All of you!!!

I would be remiss if I didn’t give a shout out to Victoria at SHOO in West Reading. I’ve spent the last week desperately trying to find an Alice in Wonderland type dress with no luck. I thought I had found one because a friend of mine said his wife had one, but it turned out to be a Dorothy dress. Close, but no cigar. So I started texting everyone I knew to see if anyone had an Alice dress and no one did, but another friend of mine directed me to SHOO, and voila! She just happened to have one single Alice dress in the exact size I needed! Not only that, but when she found out that I needed it for a school function, she chopped the price in half! Now THAT’S customer service! So Victoria and SHOO, I thank you so much and the Reading High Color Guard thanks you too! 🙂

Now I must try to talk myself into falling asleep. I have a long day tomorrow and 6am looms closer and closer. Ugh… early mornings are so vicious! G’nite everyone! See you next Thursday!

Happy weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! I know I was supposed to blog yesterday, but better late than never, right? I hope everyone watched our show on Tuesday. We had so much fun doing it! I really hope BCTV decides to keep us. For that, we need YOUR help. If you liked the show (or even if you didn’t!), please email BCTV and tell them you loved it! The more emails they get on our behalf, the more likely we are to be picked up. So write!!! Blow up their emails!! Trust me, you will want to see us on air again!! 🙂

Tonight I’m going to see The Woman in Black. I’m so excited! I love to be scared! I just read the book last week, so let’s hope the movie doesn’t disappoint. My review will be on next week’s blog!

Now I must go. I’m meeting Christina for lunch in a little while. Actually breakfast for those of us on third shift time. Off to Good Eatz for grilled raspberry and brie sandwiches!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! See you next Thursday! And don’t forget to email BCTV so you can see us again! 🙂

My apologies

Forgive me, peeps. I’ve been a bad kitty. I know I failed to blog last week. Last Thursday was exceptionally insane, but no excuses. I promise it shall never happen again! I’m having a bit of a rough day today. I have a cold that’s kicking the crap out of me, the rain is also kicking the crap out of me, and my hands are beat up from spinning flags and other assorted weapons. I’m in pretty sad shape. However, there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel. We start our live show next Tuesday! I’m so excited, and it’s right around the corner! Watch out… we’re going to bowl you over!

Moving on…

I own a Kindle, and I love it, but sometimes there’s just nothing like reading an actual book. So tomorrow I will be taking a trip to The Wise Owl Bookstore in West Reading (which is owned by my friend Kira Apple) to purchase The Woman in Black. I’ve been seeing commercials for the movie and I can’t wait to read the book first. I’ve already got my copy on hold! If you haven’t yet visited The Wise Owl, you totally should. It’s such a cute store with a great selection and awesome prices, and the best thing about it is that if they don’t have what you’re looking for, they will gladly get it for you. If you love books, that’s the place for you. And I love books!!!

That’s all I have for now. It’s time for me to ice my hands and try to shake this stupid cold. Next time you hear from me, we will already have our first show under our belts. Put this date in your calendars: January 31st, 7pm on BCTV. Don’t forget to watch!! 🙂

Just a short one…

Hey all! I hope everyone had a good week. I’m a little under the weather today and it’s been a long day, so I’m going to keep this one short and sweet. I promise to write more next week! This week has been pretty exciting for me. I just started as one of the instructors for the indoor color guard at Reading High School and so far, I’m loving it. It’s been great getting to spin again, since I haven’t done it since high school. I’m so looking forward to this new (old?) adventure. There are so many fun things coming up for us. Trips, fundraisers, competitions… I can’t wait!

Anyway, that’s all for now. I’m barely keeping my eyes open long enough to type this, so I’m going to hit the hay now. I hope everyone has a good week. See you next Thursday! 🙂

Knitting lessons!

Hey all! Sorry so late. I was in the middle of a knitting lesson. Yes, you heard me correctly. Knitting lessons! Lately it seems like all my friends want to learn how to knit… and they want me to teach them. What?! When did I become an expert? I only just learned a little over a year ago! However, I do love me some knitting, so I oblige. Winter usually inspires me to knit some fun things. Scarves, mittens, blankets… I love them all! But teaching people how to do it? Not so easy. My poor friend is so confused right now. How is it that something that seems so easy to do can be so difficult to demonstrate? Does anyone out there have any pointers that might make it easier to explain? Knitting for dummies, perhaps? Is there such a thing? I’m such a bad teacher, so any tips are welcome. Ok, time to go back to my “student”. I hope I don’t confuse her any more than she already is. Wish me luck! 🙂

Happy New Year!

Hey y’all! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! Can you believe it’s already almost 2012?! Where did the year go? Ordinarily, I don’t make New Years resolutions. I mean, what’s the point? Does anyone ever actually keep them? I know I never do. But this year… this year is going to be different I smell a change coming. I won’t go into details simply because I haven’t ironed everything out yet, but yes, things will be different in 2012. I’ve been stuck in a self-imposed rut for a while, and I really feel that now is the time for me to break out of that and do some new things. And what better way to start that than our very own show!!! I can’t tell you how psyched I am for this. I’ll definitely be stepping outside of my comfort zone for this, and I truly can’t wait. 2012 is going to be all about doing things that are way out of character for me. All the things I want to do, all the places I want to go, all the people I want to see… I’m doing it. So that’s my new years resolution this year- to step outside of the box for once. And I can’t wait! I’m curious to hear everyone else’s resolutions. Leave me a comment and let me know what’s on your mind. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe New Years! See you next week! 🙂